It’s been a busy time for Candle of Grace in 2021.
Same as last year we could not host our little friends from the Chernobyl area. But we worked hard all year long to let them know: They are not forgotten. Over 10 tonnes of aid was sent to different parts of Belarus and Ukraine. Thanks to our volunteers and kind people of Ireland some kids got a pair of new shoes, some a wheelchair, some medicines, nappies, etc.
Every few months we kept sending parcels, sponsoring dinners, donating funds for purchasing so much needed vitamins, censoring toys, etc. There were no fundraising events, except the Art competition, Green house draw and online Quiz. During the Summer camp, which took place in July, children of Mayo volunteered and gathered so much of aid, that a decision was made to send a truck to those who in need. A truck full of clothes, shoes, medical supplies , wheelchairs, nappies , bicycles, toothbrushes and other aid, winged it’s way to Belarus, to the disabled kids, families living on a very low income, orphans.